Albuquerque Dog Health

Dog Health

Albuquerque Dog Emergency Info

Albuquerque dog save a life - spay/neuter

Dog Food Info

Canine PT

Animal Neurology and Imaging Center, 5 Camino Karsten, Algodones, 431-0555

Paws-Abilities now using water therapy
Theresa Barton, PT, CCRP, 328-3204

Albuquerque dog massage

Canine Massage

Argeres Animal Alternatives
Dr. Argeres works in her office or your home

Steve Hallack, In-home massage, MA, LMT, Certified Canine Massage Therapist

Seasonal Tips

Health How-Tos

doggy dentures

Brush Your Dog's Teeth

  • When first introducing toothbrushing to your dogs, don't rush the process or they may become resistant
  • Always give a treat at the end of the session to make it enjoyable
  • If your dog shows any sign of agression, such as growing or biting, stop and contact your vet for more information
  • NEVER use human toothpaste, it could harm your dog
  • Giving your dogs Milkbones does not take the place of regular brushing. Milkbones are not effective for cleaning teeth.
  • Chew toys can help remove plaque and tartar above the gumline, but DO NOT give hard chew toys, such as hooves or bones. These can break your dog's teeth.
  • Oral rinses and gels have antibacterial properties and promote the health of your dog's gums.
For more information, watch this video on how and why to brush your dog's teeth: VetVid's How to Brush Your Dog's Teeth.

How to Trim Your Dog's Nails

PetMD has a good guide on how to trim your dog's nails, with close-up photos of the nail and the quick, so you know just what to do.

How to Clean Your Dog's Ears

The best way to prevent ear infections in your dogs, is to know how to clean their ears. Petguide has put together a thorough guide on the six ways to properly clean your dog's ears, which breeds need more cleaning, and other helpful tips.

De-Skunk Your Dog

Summarized from the excellent article on Dogtopia
  • keep your dog outside
  • check for injuries, like irritated eyes or scratches
  • soak up the spray ASAP, by patting, not wiping, with rubber gloves and paper towels
  • de-skunk your dog with their easy recipe
  • give your dog extra love & affection after this stressful ordeal

Remove Ticks

dogs and ticks
To safely remove a tick:
  • place fine-pointed tweezers around the tick's mouth where it's connected to your dog's skin
  • gently pull up until the tick detaches
  • disinfect the bite site and tweezers and wash your hands thoroughly (never use your bare hands to remove a tick)
  • place the tick in a small container, labeled with the date, name and type of your pet, and contact your vet to see if the tick needs to be tested
  • crush, puncture, or squeeze the tick
  • don't try to burn the tick with a match, lit cigarette, or hot nail
  • don't throw away or toss down the toilet, neither of which kills the tick
For more detailed instructions, go to ASPCA's article on tick removal.

dogs and bees

Remove Bee Stings

Although bees are vital insects and rarely sting, sometimes they do. The treatment of a bee sting is somewhat similar to tick removal, but slightly different. Check out Vetco's How to Remove a Bee Sting for more information. Remember that dogs can experience anaphylactic shock to bee stings so monitor your dog carefully!

Albuquerque Dog Behavior and Health Info

Animal Blood Bank Hotline, 800-243-5759

American Veterinary Medical Association
First aid, poison control, how to select a vet, and much more

Canine and Feline Cancer Information
FAQs and info on treatment

Dog Obedience Advice
Lots of tips on biting, jumping, housebreaking, etc. Good general resource on dog behavior

Dog Owner's Guide to Dog Behavior
All sorts of information from gingivitis to handling high-energy dogs and more

Veterinarian Oncology FAQs, treatment options

Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rheumatoid Arthritis Support Network (RASN) info on dogs struggling with arthritis

Albuquerque Dog Local Veterinarians

an incomplete list of vets in the area, no endorsement or recommendation is implied

Dog Health Insurance

ASPCA Pet Health Insurance

Consumer Advocate Guide to Pet Insurance

FIGO Pet Insurance

Don't know if insurance is right for you? Check out the interactive tool at Consumer Affairs.

Online Pharmacies

Find a Safe Online Pharmacy